Your senior year will be full of momentous occasions, including your senior pictures. From touring university campuses to enjoying your final football games and dances as a high school student, your weekends and afternoons are sure to be packed. Remember though to leave plenty of time for everything related to your portraits.
The summer after your junior year is when senior picture season officially starts. Although it may seem early to some, it really isn’t; this is the best time to start looking online for a local Indianapolis photographer. Plan to spend a couple of weeks going through your options and talking with a few different photographers about what you want to see in your pictures.
Once you’ve secured a professional photographer, the two of you will start discussing the direction you’d like for your senior portraits. This means deciding on an aesthetic, and of course, going shopping for your outfits. It’s a good idea to have you outfits – including shoes – selected at least two weeks before your photo shoot to ensure everything fits and you are comfortable.
If you can, book your photo shoot in the months between the start of the fall semester and the holiday season. Once you return from winter vacation and begin your final spring semester of high school, finding the time to go shopping for your senior pictures, actually take your photos, and placing your order will be tight especially if you need grad announcements! You’ll want to have your graduation announcements ready and printed by spring. And if your photographer doesn’t partner with a graphic designer and print shop, you’ll need another few days to select a printer.
While all of this may seem stressful, rest assured that your photographer will be aware of the time constraints Seniors are working with, and will be able to give you any advice about specific questions you have about the time frame for your senior pictures. After all, if they’re experienced, they’ve dealt with their share of tight deadlines.