Summer is finally here which means Senior pictures are well underway! The class of 2020 are scheduling their summer portraits even as I type. If you’re getting ready to have your pictures taken-keep reading! Today I want to talk about choosing the perfect location.
So much goes into the final images you are seeing all over your friends feeds. From hair to makeup to the ideal location. Each one of these variables will work together to make your final pictures flawless and nothing close to falling flat.
Something even more important than these three things is the light. I am sure you have heard the saying, “Location, location, location” well for photographers the saying would be more along the lines of, “Light, light, light.” As cliche as it may sound the lack or abundance of light can take an average picture and make it spectacular. I would rather shoot in an alley with beautiful light instead of in a garden filled with flowers of every variety imaginable. Yeah-you heard that right! The session below is a perfect demonstration of what I am referring to. The images are simple, light filled and dreamy. You’re instantly pulled into them and you probably don’t even know why? It’s because of the light and reflected light that keeps your eye from losing interest.
It is always fun chasing light and something I have prided myself on over the years. I think picking a location is really important but knowing how to use the light that is present is key; it’s the difference between flawless and flat.